The GUS Musician's Digest Friday, 16 June 1995 Volume 16 : Number 007 Today's Topics: Samplitude! Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daevid Vincent Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 05:04:05 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Samplitude! Samplitude-Studio The harddisk-recording-, sample- and multimedia-program! The Matrix Recording Studio, 14 Franklin Street, Suite 718, Rochester NY 14604 Tel: 716-546-8330 SEK'D Software The Studio fur elektronische Klangerzeugung Dresden (The Dresden Studio of electronic Sound Generation) derives from the Electronic Studio of Dresden Music College established in 1984. Developing software which is innovative and meets the demands of musicians and professionals in the recording fields. Our most famous software is Samplitude. It runs on a PC for sampling, hard disk recording and sample processing in up to 48khz. We value highly the intuition-oriented and simple layout of Samplitude which enables the beginners to use many professional features. The arrangement possibilities in virtual projects with its real time functions offer features of high-end (D.A.W.) Digital Audio Workstations. Currently there are three version of Samplitude: - - Samplitude-Multimedia (2 tracks, virtuel editing, MIDI/AVI integration...) - - Samplitue-Pro (8 tracks, Resampling/Time-Stretching, MIDI-Sample-Dump...) - - Samplitude-Studio (16 tracks, ext. Sync.,digital filters, dynamic functions.) Features of Samplitude: Samplitude-Multimedia has the following features: - - Real Hard Disk recording/playback with ALL Windows compatible 16 bit sound cards - - support of all samplers with sampling rates up to 48 kHz - - support of mono/stereo projects in recording and playback - - support of RAM- or Hard Disk Projects - - "Volume-Rubberbands" for a realtime mix of the virtual tracks - - Realtime crossfades in virtual tracks with various curves - - MIDI and AVI files can be linked to Samplitude, qualified for film score composition, MIDI/audio synchronisation ... - - Direct synch. with MIDI sequencers "Evolution" and "MIDI-Connections" - - Realtime surround effects - - physical sample processing in high speed and high quality (e.g. cutting, normalisation, fading, crossfading, echo, hall effect, filter...) - - virtual projects for non-destructive editing, sample objects can be placed, shifted (displaced) and manipulated (time-line) - - ranges of various projects (RAM and HD) can be combined into virtual projects e.g. cuttings of various records - - fade-in, fade-out and volume of every object can be produced in real time (non-destructive) and easily manipulated by "handlers" - - sophisticated window techniques, unlimited number of projects - - several windows per project, e.g. for loop search - - special mode for automatic loop optimization - - ranges and cursors can be manipulated during playback - - autoscroll mode while playing - - all cursors and ranges can be saved. - - very long samples can be displayed quickly - - various raster functions, e.g. for objects, bars, ranges... - - wave file import and export - - German/English programs with descriptions in German/English. Samplitude-Pro has the following extensions: - - virtual projects can have up to 8 tracks - - MIDI sample dump standard for sample transferring with MIDI samplers - - resampling / time stretching / pitch-shifting - - track bouncing for converting virtual projects into a physical file (Samplitude project or wave file); up to 16 tracks can be combined. Samplitude-Studio has following extensions: - - virtual projects can have up to 16 tracks (16 Mono or 8 Stereo) - - Record while Playing if the soundcard(s) supports this - - Support of up to 4 soundcards for real 8 outputs - - ext. Sync via SMPTE/MTC/MC (Slave) or MC (Master) - - Runs in multitasking with MIDI-Sequencers, i.e. Cakewalk - - High quality digital filters (graph. EQ, param. EQ) with realtime preview - - Dynamics Compressor/Expander/Noise-Gate with realtime preview - - Convolution for enhanced effects like reverb, echo and filter... Hardware needed For using Samplitude you need at least a 80386 with Windows 3.1 and 4 MB RAM. To record and playback audio data you will need a 16 bit sound card with Windows driver. For "Record while Play" you need a soundcard, which can be opened for input and output at the same time OR two soundcards, one for playback and one for recording. ATTN: GUS users - This program WILL work with your card in Simultaneous Record & Play mode!!! You DO NOT need a Tahiti (and SAW) anymore. Although a Tahiti IS Superior in Sound Quality & S/N... And you can USE BOTH cards simultaneously for 4 (four) OUTPUTS!!! For hard disk recording an adequate hard disk size will be needed (one minute recording in CD quality requires about 10 MB). For realtime filter-preview and volume rubberbands on more than 4 tracks you need a 486/66 or Pentium processor. To use MIDI sample dump or a connection with MIDI devices you must have a Windows-compatible MIDI interface. For external Sync via SMPTE you need a SMPTE interface, for Sync via MIDI-Timecode or MIDI-Clock you can use any Windows compatible MIDI interface. Typical number of Tracks (Mono) in virtual projects: 386/40 with AT-harddrive: 4 tracks 32 KHz 486/66 with AT-harddrive: 4 tracks 44 KHz, 6-8 tracks 32 KHz 486/66 with SCSI-harddrive, PCI-Controller: 6-8 tracks 44 KHz Pentium with PCI-SCSI: 12 tracks 44KHz , 16 tracks 32 KHz Using stereo tracks instead of two mono tracks increases the performance. Requirement of HD space per Sampling Rate and Resolution: Mode Space in bytes/second Space for one minute Stereo 16 bit 44.1 kHz 176.400 10.584.000 bytes Stereo 16 bit 22.05 kHz 88.200 5.292.000 Stereo 8 bit 44.1 kHz 88.200 5.292.000 Mono 16 bit 44.1 kHz 88.200 5.292.000 Stereo 8 bit 22.05 kHz 44.100 2.646.000 Mono 16 bit 22.05 kHz 44.100 2.646.000 Mono 8 bit 44.1 kHz 44.100 2.646.000 Mono 8 bit 22.05 kHz 22.050 1.323.000 The HD Space will change at a basic sampling rate of 48 kHz or 32 kHz as well. **** Until June 31st The Studio version is only $320 US!! Call NOW. **** The Matrix is in the process of setting up it's permanent WWW server. It works, it just isn't on 24/7.. But if you wish to try, and are lucky enough to catch us up, there is a demo version on our machine... Point your Browser to Evenings (late night) are the best times to catch me online, tweaking...;-) Daevid Vincent. _____________________________________________________________________________ Sound Chemistry |\| T H E M A T R I X |\| Who Mournes Alterations |\| Recording & SoundTrack Studio |\| I.C.E. Breaker Sampling |\| ----------------------- |\| The 0NE Programming |\| 07 Royal Birkdale Court |\| Procession Of Faith Sequencing |\| Penfield, NY 14526-2820 |\| Stillmotion Scoring |\| +1.716.546.8330 |\| AREA_39 Courses/Tutoring |\|_______________________________|\| & Many Others... ------------------------------ End of The GUS Musician's Digest V16 #7 *************************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS Digest Archives: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (general use, programmers, etc.).